A lot has happened since our Annual Meeting last year! Members across Scotland have contributed to a new project that will survey, assess, propagate and ultimately distribute Apis mellifera mellifera in Scotland. Find out what we found! Take part in discussion on the next stages! We also bring you two World class speakers to give you their perspectives on protecting, studying and propagating native honey bees.
Dylan Elen
Dylan Elen is president of ZwarteBij.org, a Belgian trust for the conservation of the local Dark bee, is on SICAMM’s Board and was the Belgian breeding coordinator for the EU SMARTBEES project. Currently he is researching the genetic introgression of Welsh honey bees and potential Varroa-resistance in North-Welsh honey bees for a PhD at Bangor University.
Andrew Abrahams is well-known in beekeeping circles but the opportunities to hear him speak in Scotland are relatively infrequent. He has kept bees commercially on Colonsay for over 30 years and has wide experience of honey production and queen-rearing. He holds the Scottish Beekeepers Association Master Beekeepers Certificate and has a BSc (Hons) Degree in Agriculture.
Dylan Elen on:
- Conserving the Black Bee in Belgium
- The Honey Bee in Wales: Genetic Pollution and Varroa Tolerance
Andrew Abrahams on:
- Problems improving and maintaining small isolated populations
- Australia’s Black Bee reserve, Tasmania and Ligurian Reserve, Kangaroo Island
Gavin Ramsay and others on:
- The SNHBS Conservation Project: the survey from 2018, DNA and the way forward in 2019
SNHBS Members Meeting:
- Aims and aspirations for SNHBS; The SAMMBA fund; Breeding groups and their support
- Officers’ reports
- Election of the Board for 2019
SNHBS Annual Meeting
Loch Leven Community Campus,
The Muirs, Kinross, KY13 8FQ
Sat 30 Mar 2019, 10:00 – 16:30